N.O.W. members in good standing can place FREE word ads for goods and services. You may submit a maximum of 50 Words by these firm deadlines: Summer Issue – May 15, Fall – Aug. 15, Winter – Nov. 15, Spring – Feb. 15.
FOR SALE: Private Collector selling 30-year paper money collection. Includes over 50 U.P. Michigan (YOOPER) nationals, some WI, IL, and OH. FRNs, silv certs, U.S. notes, and FRBNs, etc. Email for the list to starrnote@sbcglobal.net and include member number.
FOR SALE: “Schwaab Stamp & Seal Co. – A Catalog of Obsolete Dies” by Tom Casper. The History of the Milwaukee-based company and photos of 800+ Schwaab-made dies. Spiral bound, 97 pages, Table of Contents, and Alphabetical die index for easy reference. $29.95 plus shipping. Contact Tom directly: 414-425-5444 or tcasper@hotmail.com.
FOR SALE: “Collecting Vintage Coin Boards, Albums, Folders and Holders – 1930’s and beyond – 3rd Expanded Final Edition by Donald Kocken. Newly-expanded reference on collecting features 180+ color photos and runs 112 pages. Available by contacting at 920-337-6509 or dkmk424@gmail.com. $30 + $5 S+H.
FOR SALE: “The Encased Coins of Wisconsin” by James Skwarek. The premier reference of Wisconsin Encased Coins. 251 pages. Enlarged color photos, information, and pricing. Buy now for $105, tax and shipping included. PO Box 210662, Milwaukee, WI, 53221. jrsnas@aol.com. 414-281-4025/414-736-0370. Wanted: I buy encased coins.
WANTED: Young Numismatists (18 or younger) to write for N.O.W. News. Tell us your story! Free two-year membership for your first article. Contact Evan J. Pretzer at evan.pretzer@yahoo.com and we will help you with your ideas.
WANTED: N.O.W. News Articles. These can be any size room permitting. We will help with any aspect of your proposed article. For a chance to share your interests and knowledge, contact Evan J. Pretzer at evan.pretzer@yahoo.com. Deadlines are the same as those for the Marketplace unless otherwise adjusted.